I was just showing my roommate the Illustration and Design page on the Dawson College website, since we were having a discussion about our past art/design programs, when I came across the program's promotional video. I decided to have a look and SURPRISE! There's multiple shots of me working on my frog character sculpture in second year. I forgot how much fun sculpting is.
"The obscurist," "the town crier," "the sympathy-seeker,"and "the lurker." These spots were drawn for my editorial class for an article on facebook personality types. I thought my facebook-blue ink would be an appropriate colour choice for this assignment:)
Here is my almost-final business card designs. Please let me know what you think... I have so much trouble designing things for myself since I never know what I want!
Today I had my portrait drawn by the talented illustrator Kagan McLeod. This was drawn during his editorial illustration class at Sheridan as an in-class demo. I think he captured a good likeness.
So here is the final version of "The Importance of Being Ernest" and my new "Faust" poster. These will be my last posters for my thesis since I've decided to switch it up a bit and illustrate book covers for this class (there's only so much room for posters on my display board for my graduation exhibit in April.) I had a lot of fun with these and I'm pretty happy with how they turned out considering I was lost the first few weeks of the semester figuring out how I was going to approach them. Again, I'm always open to comments and constructive criticism:)
Hi! I'm an illustrator living in Oakville, Ontario. I created this blog to show some of my work to friends, family, prospective clients and anyone else that's interested. Feel free to comment and enjoy!